646f9e108c In a chaotic future Tokyo, a young aspiring chef is employed by four beautiful mercenaries. This anime was a lot of fun. The overall plot is sort of rambling, but it's a great ride. It's one of the sci-fi-western genre, similar to Trigun, although the characters (four females who fight crime in Tokyo) reminded me of the main characters from Bubblegum Crisis. It's heavy on the gun and mecha action, and there's a mystery about one of the characters and her origins that is nicely resolved at the end. And if you like commentaries, there were commentary tracks for six episodes in the DVD set.<br/><br/>The music is excellent. The opening theme ("Loosey") is one of the most memorable I've ever heard.<br/><br/>That said, there was a lot of fan service, several allusions to gay love, and a good amount of violence, so it's definitely not for the kids.<br/><br/>Looking forward to the OVA. Lets see, this anime is kind of somewhere between Evangelion and Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 leaning more to Bubblegum Crisis, with a whole lot of large breasts, bland characters, no plot, horrible music, bad cgi, and not much more. To say the characters are one dimensional is an understatement, so don't hope for any character development. The characters play up to established anime archetypes but don't really do anything for the viewer. The plot is a string of unrelated fights that eventually tie together for a conclusion but is very in-cohesive. I found the music and the western theme irritating, there's one character who speaks with a western accent that sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me. The robots are done with cgi and are stiff and an eyesore. The girls are dressed in skimpy outfits, the same ones the entire series, and are painfully obvious that the only reason for the show is to flaunt their features for a male audience. The only redeeming quality of the show is the overall animation which is pretty good and consistent for the most part. Not a bad series if your looking for a show about boobs with a side-story of big dumb robots. It gets better towards the end but its a painful ride. Worth a viewing I wouldn't buy it again though.
Reappdabsalttu Admin replied
329 weeks ago